A collaborative supporting quality Arts learning for all students in NH by sharing information, resources, and services.
Arts Education Advocacy and Resources
Invite Your Elected Official Toolkit
Letter templates and resources for sharing your arts education programming with school administrators and elected officials.
National Advocacy Resources
Click here to download the Kennedy Center Arts Education Network Arts Education Advocacy Toolkit.
Click here to access ArtsEdSearch, a clearinghouse of arts education research created by the Arts Education Partnership.
Click here to access NASAA's State Policy Brief--Why Should Government Support the Arts?
Americans for the Arts: Arts Education Network: provides advocacy, resources, research, partnerships, and professional development. The "Arts Education Navigator" is a useful resource for identifying different roles and responsibilities in arts education delivery - See more here.
The National Endowment for the Arts: Arts Ed Publications offers a listing of major research and advocacy publications for arts education:
The NH Arts Learning Network encourages all New Hampshire citizens to be actively involved in the democratic process. These resources provide tips and tools for effectively advocating for the arts on a local, state, and national level.
The NH Arts Learning Network envisions an America where every young person has access to—and takes part in—high-quality and lifelong learning experiences in the arts, both in school and in the community. We believe that learning in the arts enables every individual to develop the critical thinking, collaborative, and creative skills necessary to succeed in the ever changing diverse and global economies of today’s world. If you are a passionate believer and advocate for the arts in a complete and competitive education, what can you do next?
Stay informed – Follow education efforts in your local media, learn about local arts education offerings and the position of arts education in school and municipal budgets, and continue to explore the research. You can find current research at: www.ArtsEdSearch.org
Connect with others – Attend school board meetings and community forums, set up meetings with state, school, and city leaders, find out what is important to local stakeholders, and identify groups with like-minded goals. Send us your photos and stories about the impact of arts learning on your students, children and young people. Working together will result in greater strategic and collective impact.
Get involved – Share this bulletin, website and information with state, school and community leaders, join parent and other community groups, lead public discussions, make presentations at school board or city council meetings, and, in general build a dialogue on the significance of the arts to a complete and competitive education.
Tie it all together – Identify public policy goals that are supported by research and work with state and community leaders to ensure that they are enacted.J
Join New Hampshire Citizens for the Arts -a membership organization that advocates for public support of the arts in our state: http://www.nhcfa.org/